The power of the great outdoors is something nothing else can be compared to. There is nothing better than feeling the crisp cold wind across your cheek, whilst out on your winter walk. Or, that stream of sunlight that eventually breaks through the clouds. Whether it be winter or summer, nature and the outdoors is something we should cherish. With the winter fast approaching, it is more important than ever to spend time outdoors, even if at times it might feel like you are developing hypothermia. It is a known scientific fact, that being outside can improve your health and well-being in many ways. Like contributing to lower stress levels and it can even help lower your blood pressure. See, impressive right?
During the winter months, it is easy to stay hidden within the four walls of your home, wrapped up in a blanket with the TV on. It can be so tempting to press play on yet another episode of your favourite series (I can relate to this one). But, that might be doing you more harm than good. Spending time outdoors doesn’t mean climbing Everest, or training for a half-marathon. It could simply be taking a stroll with your family or a loved one, cycling rather than driving somewhere, or even visiting your local park to buy a coffee. It is a lot easier than you think! Just by doing these simple things, you are actively helping to reduce the stress levels in your body, ultimately contributing to a healthier and de-cluttered mind.
Stress is our body's natural response to pressure, which ultimately results in us feeling a sense of emotional or physical tension. Everyday life can be filled with twists and turns, making what happens next unknown. Therefore, when we feel like we have little control over a situation, we tend to start to feel stressed. All individuals are unique, so we all deal with stress differently. It may make some feel frustrated and angry, but for the next person, it perhaps evokes feelings of sadness and anxiety. Not all stress is bad. But, long-term stress can lead to a multitude of negative things, such as; heart disease, high blood pressure, and even depression. Therefore, it is more important than ever to try and combat this. And what is the solution to this you ask? Well, spending time outside, of course!
If you are a little stuck as to what you can do to spend more time outside, then here are some suggestions to get you started.
Take a book outside: Funnily enough, reading is another great way to release stress in your body. So combine that with sitting outside, and you have the perfect combination. Perhaps, you could read in a local park, or even in your garden.
Start a nature journal: This is a great way to channel your inner child, by creating a journal or even scrapbook to document your time outside. You could note down the places you visit and even what you saw there.
Make the most of your lunch break: Whether you are a working adult stuck in a 9-5 job, or a student like me who is swamped with college work, it is easy to want to spend your lunch break sitting at a desk. But, try to resist that temptation by instead taking a stroll or even sitting on a bench to eat. It will refresh your brain and make you even more productive.
Listen to music or a podcast: Nobody wants to go for a walk when it's cold, especially in silence. So, stick on your favourite podcast (you can read about podcast suggestions in another one of my blogs), or album and detach yourself from the hecticness of the real world. Let the calmness of nature fill your mind with positive thoughts.
The list goes on and on. There are plenty more things you can be doing to ensure you spend more time outside. Just use your imagination. You are creative people after all, aren't you?
For me, there is nothing better than grabbing a chai latte from a local cafe and then taking a stroll. I might even listen to a podcast if I am feeling adventurous enough. By no means do you have to do the same. Instead, you should discover what it is that you like to do. Spending time by yourself is healthy!
So, I encourage you to find enjoyment in the great outdoors, no matter whether the sun is shining, or the rain is pouring. Not only will you actively be helping to reduce the levels of stress in your life, but you will be able to appreciate the beautiful things nature has to offer. There can't be anything much better than that. With that in mind, explore your local park, dance in the rain, drink hot chocolate in the park, or even read a book under a tree. You never know, you might even enjoy yourself.